السبت، 15 سبتمبر 2012

What is the largest muscle in the human body?

The longest muscle in the human body is the muscle of the thigh. This narrow muscle of the thigh passes 
indirectly from the front of the thigh and leg to rotate the position taken in the squatting position.

Strongest muscle depends on how you measure force. It might be a good argument for the heart!

In terms of absolute power, the strongest muscle in the body is the masseter, the main driver of the jaw to chew. Could create a force of 55 lbs. Cutouts or 200 lbs. Molars.

Hardest working muscles in the body is the heart. Blood pumping 2 oz in each pulse, at least 2,500 gallons per day.

Muscle that can shoot the greatest strength is the soleus muscle in the leg. This is the muscle that prevents us from falling back into a standing position, and must run, walk and dance.

The largest muscle in the body is also one of the most powerful - and the gluteus maximus. These large muscles of the buttocks and keep us standing upright battles against gravity when walking down stairs.

The muscle is more flexible language that can take many forms and also always in motion, even in sleep.

The most active muscle are the muscles of the eye. Eye muscles are in constant motion. In an hour worth reading, they can move 10,000 times. Unlike heart, however, can get eye muscles tire easily.

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