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السبت، 15 سبتمبر 2012

The Secret To Muscle Growth

Strange that there are many lifters who avoid minimum training the body to create massive muscle growth.

I would like to large occupied admit to not exactly what you want to see, and it is unlikely that the woman did not ask the man "hamstrings flexible."

Like most people set out to achieve, a huge upper body thick, it is very common to grow a little effort in the bottom half.
There excuses 1000000 ranging between "I develop my legs with the process" or "squat knee injury" or any other excuse lame and also to avoid the station of intensive training.

This is a big no no ...

In addition to a ridiculous upper body and legs torn small, and refused to give the same attention to the lower part of the body, not only working to limit the growth of large muscles in the chest, arms, shoulders and back.

Listen and leg training can be a boost to the growth of muscles and extensive. This is not just something to help you do squats.

Rafie average believe that they can target practice XY to increase muscle size and muscle strength of X. This is not always the case.

When your concept of massive muscle growth is within narrow limits, you can increase your chances of achieving modest gains. Profits will be reduced rather than massive muscle growth that you want to get a can.

Here's the truth ...

At the end of the day, and post-event operations localized weight gain fundamental is happening in your muscle tissue.

And achieve massive muscle growth after full body forcing confirmed in response to adaptation. This is when you need to increase the production of growth hormone and testosterone.

These hormones are the "holy grail" of massive muscle growth because it controls the degree you to get the size and strength. When bodybuilders use steroids, but improving circulation to these hormones as a means to achieve massive muscle growth.

Now you want to achieve massive muscle growth, but you chose the way of nature and the idea of ​​defending the need for writing is not interesting for you. So you may have to just find other ways to increase blood circulation of anabolic hormones.

What is the best way to achieve this?

Bingo ....

Stressing the legs with a high density!

Focus on good form of weightlifting exercises such as squats and leg presses.

I'm sure you have noticed the difficulty of this exercise are: Imagine how much they will hurt if you make maximum density. This is great if you are looking for massive muscle growth!

Can max out sets of these exercises make you want to run home. This is because you will have to raise obscene amounts of weight with exercises that target all the major muscle groups in the body.

In fact, it can give you gains exercised legs throughout the whole body, because it requires a ton of psychological stability to complete. However, this is the nature of intensive is one of the best ways to force the body to increase the production of testosterone and growth hormone.

Since increased levels of these hormones lead to further gains in size and strength, and I would like to assure you lower body, but the benefits of the upper part of the body as well.

Include training in a specific part of your leg workout routine and not an afterthought or loss of significant gains in total body such as massive muscle growth that would otherwise operate.

Date of completion of your workout schedule weekly highest density of leg training. Focus on yourself by paying the brink of collapse and lifting more weight each week. The basic performance of this complex configurations lifts, leg press, leg high and raise withdrew.

Use this routine for up to 8 weeks to see if you begin to notice massive muscle growth.

If you're like most people, you will notice that you have the ability of all your exercises to improve upper body with increasing thickness of the chest, arms and back.

Obviously, I can not force you to try, and will only do so if you want advanced legs and massive muscle growth. However, even if you do not care about the definition of the leg, and include training station again to get this form the upper part of the body and it is your only concern.

Does not make sense at first, but the station regular and intensive training can help you to achieve tremendous growth of the fitness buff muscle

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What is the largest muscle in the human body?

The longest muscle in the human body is the muscle of the thigh. This narrow muscle of the thigh passes 
indirectly from the front of the thigh and leg to rotate the position taken in the squatting position.

Strongest muscle depends on how you measure force. It might be a good argument for the heart!

In terms of absolute power, the strongest muscle in the body is the masseter, the main driver of the jaw to chew. Could create a force of 55 lbs. Cutouts or 200 lbs. Molars.

Hardest working muscles in the body is the heart. Blood pumping 2 oz in each pulse, at least 2,500 gallons per day.

Muscle that can shoot the greatest strength is the soleus muscle in the leg. This is the muscle that prevents us from falling back into a standing position, and must run, walk and dance.

The largest muscle in the body is also one of the most powerful - and the gluteus maximus. These large muscles of the buttocks and keep us standing upright battles against gravity when walking down stairs.

The muscle is more flexible language that can take many forms and also always in motion, even in sleep.

The most active muscle are the muscles of the eye. Eye muscles are in constant motion. In an hour worth reading, they can move 10,000 times. Unlike heart, however, can get eye muscles tire easily.

Top 10 Worst Muscle Building Workout Mistakes

1. Eating too
We all know that biology. Excess calories are stored as body fat. Overeat to be top of the list to move the bad food is not an error. Building muscle is the number one goal in fitness and bodybuilding bodyfat is public enemy number one. What is the feeling of a large number of impressive work muscles that require blood, sweat and tears, and if covered by a layer of fat? I suggest the obvious? If you are overweight, eat less. The simple fact of consuming less food leads to weight loss. Be aware, however, that if you eat less, but with food to keep your current profile, and build a smaller version of the old yourself. And much the same as you shrink, but the proportion of muscles in your body fat will remain as it is. The end result? You look like your old self, a few pounds lighter. Really dramatic physical transformation is the loss of body fat while preserving muscle. To achieve nirvana authentic cuisine, and increase muscle mass at the same time while losing body fat, we need to follow a diet based on the practice of nutrients.

To lose weight and keep muscle with aerobic exercise, you need to eat very small amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. That you should be aware of nutrients. Read the labels on the foods you eat. What consensus on metabolic Nirvana? Make your muscles, you need protein and lots of it. To conserve energy and fuel growth you need quality maps. Throw a veil of fat and maintain muscle mass, make a physical transformation you seek, you need lots of quality nutrients, but not in excess. Take struggle between enough and too much. Everyone is different. And monitoring experience.

2. Eating too little
Insufficient intake bad as overeating. Physiologically, it is impossible to build muscle if your diet lacks the proper nutrients. Large amounts of protein, carbohydrates, and yes, even the fat needed to build muscle. The trick is to balance, you need enough high-quality food to grow muscle. After the fuel is stored, even the most beautiful muscle and fat if taken in excess. A key strategy is to limit your diet to "clean fuels", nutritionally dense foods with little fat and sugar or not. And you need to eat a lot of them. Said the coach, which can cause a lot of weight in addition to the work of the heart and blood vessels regularly need extra nutrients to meet the metabolic demands more.

3. Inadequate protein
The fact remains: Protein is the most important nutrient for muscle regeneration and construction. The trick is to use only lean protein. Protein and fat usually coexist in food sources. Meat, fish and birds, and dairy products, and these primary sources can be both fat than that. In the old days, and we do not worry about this type of harassment. As a result, consumers proteins placed heavy clogged arteries of bad cholesterol astronomical price. Was it not a mistake in protein, fat, but attached to the protein.

At present, we have formed the weight limit our militants fat sources or low fat protein. Skim white milk, eggs, fish, skinless chicken, sirloin, and of course the main element of weight lifting, and protein powder. These foods are sound, clean sources of protein. Start by taking 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day. Stay anabolic aggregate consumption divided into equal parts and 4-8 to eat low-fat source of protein at regular intervals throughout the day.

4. Not cook for yourself
Meal preparation is an essential skill. To be truly effective as a bodybuilder, you should be able to prepare your own food. Nutritionally sound food consumed throughout the day is necessary for anabolism. Most male bodybuilders (and more than a few women) do not cook. Big mistake. Why rely on my mother, husband and restaurants or fast food for endless succession of small, nutritious meals needed to make a serious effort to bodybuilding?

Not only must overcome the kitchen, but you need to develop a wide range of innovative dishes and meals. Otherwise, you are locked into the equivalent of prison food. House prison kitchen is nice, unimaginative, tasteless. A bit like the pure foods we bodybuilders choose to deal with day after day.

You need a lot of imagination to cope with her own food. Egg whites and tuna should not be boring. How ignorant become enlightened? Combing magazines. Read cookbooks low fat. Gather your ingredients, set aside some time and was immediately adopted. In addition, impress the heck out of your mother at their lowest level of service gourmet feast some nice fat Sunday.

5. Not keeping a record of Nutrition
As stressful as it may seem, the muscle elite keep daily records of what they consume, when they consume. Write down everything in the folder. This allows them to keep the status of long food score. They set up a long-term strategic plan monitored daily consumption of foods and supplements. Monitoring results, identify trends and find out what works and what does not throw, it becomes hard to map food report. You can really make accurate assessments and implement corrective actions when assigning your smart settings on evidence and objective analysis. Otherwise, it degenerates into wishful thinking and self-delusion.

Even begin data collection. Nutritionally complete registration statements really date, time, type of food, carbohydrates, fat, sugar and sodium, protein and calories. And recorded with a body of statistical short descriptive sentences on cases of sports. And put in the form of a column, and identify the meal takes about two minutes. And you will find that buying the book value of foods (available in any library) would be a great help. I did not hear what you say wrong? Could be worse than that. Thomas Jefferson wrote all financial transactions made in his life and lived to be 83.

6. A lot of fat and sugar
Twin demons feed. Fat is the most calorie density of all nutrients, with nine calories per gram. Materials difficult to digest fat storage in the body and preferred. Although the need for a certain amount of fat to the brain and other body functions, and are easy to get what little is required during normal eating low fat.

Excess sugar is easily converted into body fat only. Buyer beware: You may be announced in the form of food low in fat and still be loaded with sugar. Taken in excess, sugar can be quickly converted into fat. Many are loaded some sports drinks and sports nutrition bars sugar. Reduce fat intake to about 15% of total calories private.

7. Not drinking enough water
As we know, the body is 67% water and we need to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Streams in all parts of the body; plumbing abandonment of large quantities throughout the day keeps the pipes clean and chromium. Expulsion and thus the system and on a regular basis, with the regeneration of muscle cells to replace the water. Drink eight cups 10 ounces of water per day.

8. Lacks a positive nitrogen balance
Positive nitrogen balance is a physiological condition which muscle growth possible. How to get there? Enjoy supply of food to build muscle every 2-3 hours. The human body functions more efficiently when given small meals at regular intervals throughout the day. And must be made evenly spaced meals of high quality protein and carbohydrates.

How do you eat every 2-3 hours rigors of job responsibilities in the Arab world and the real family? A sports bar and a cup of skim milk 50 grams of nutritious protein and 50-100 grams of carbohydrates. How long does it take to eat a sandwich? Or drink protein shakes? What a piece of fruit and chicken? You get the idea. These relations in the preparation of food, snacks and grazing own package of food throughout the day. When the athlete in a positive nitrogen balance, the body is ready, willing and able to grow.

9. Lack of balance in food meal
The disorder is endemic in good condition in this world. Food consumption is no exception. Eating a balanced diet as defined by some nutrition experts are not the same as eating balanced as defined by the elite muscle. And optimal nutrition, according to the elite, is a masterful blend of lean protein and fibrous carbohydrates and starcvhy, small amounts of fat and sugar. People vary from individual characteristics. Some people are sensitive to carbohydrates and starches must retain at least if they blow up like cartoon characters who have swallowed the air hose. Others thrive on a heavy diet of potatoes and rice with no ill effects.

How individual food metabolism, such as hair color or height. You must determine how foods affect you. The basic rule to achieve a relative balance: calories from carbohydrates, 50%, 35% protein and 15% fat. This is a good starting point, and careful monitoring once the system will dictate 50-35-15 necessary adjustments. The goal is to build muscle and reduce body fat. How do you achieve a balance with the real world around trip with a scale and a calorie book and a calculator? At each meal, filling 50% of your plate with carbohydrates. Should be half of this dense, starchy foods (rice, potatoes) and half the carbs should be fibrous (broccoli, green beans, lettuce, etc..) Should be the other half of the plate dinner of lean protein (skinless chicken, turkey, fish, etc..) Do not worry about the fat ... 15% There She Is!

10. Skip supplements
We have all the small holes and gaps in our diets and supplements to help us more. All athletes use nutritional supplements. Costs, hassle and confusion to complete the dietary concerns of some coaches. Big mistake. Multipak ready. In addition, a quality protein powder, carbohydrate powder quality and quantity if beef liver tabs will do wonders for your leisure, training and fitness.

How to Build Muscle

Build muscle the biggest mistake you can make his muscle magazines procedures. Most of these men do not have the training course is to train talents and genetically, not this way. Make the routine of their lives does not make you build muscle fast.

The average person needs a different approach. One that builds muscle fast and prevents excessive physical and mental to do too much too soon. Here is how to build muscle: the definitive guide to building muscle.

1. Become stronger. More power than muscle. And access to strength training. I recommend weight lifting because it allows you to start light and add weight endlessly. Body weight is also practiced. Start with an empty bar. Learn proper technique. Add to experiment with all the weight to keep paying your body out of their comfort zone.

2. Use free weights. You can lift heavier weights using dumbbells. More weight more stress, and thus more muscle. Dumbbell Exercises for a big help, but not to the elevators. Stay away from the machines.

Safe. Imposition of fixed machines, and abnormal movements that could cause injury. Repeat the natural movements of free weight.
Efficiency. Free weights force you to control and balancing weight. This builds more muscle than machines, which balance the weight for you.
Functional. Power is not transferred on the basis of machines or free weights and the reality of life. No machine to achieve a balance between the weight for you in real life.
Versatile. You can do hundreds of exercises only one iron. Saves a lot of money and space, especially if you want to build a home gym.

3. Do compound exercises. Good isolation exercises once you've built the base of strength and muscle mass. But if you begin to build muscle, and muscle exercises that hit several at the same time better.

Bicep curls countless -> pull-ups, chin-ups rows of iron
Triceps also did commissions - bench press> press, and the recession
And certainly not the leg -> Squats and deadlifts

4. Training your legs. Squats work your entire body, and it is the most important exercise. Will be completely different once 300 pounds obesity. This free-weight squat with hips coming lower than the knees.

All muscle tension when doing squats and deadlifts. Work your body as 1 piece and let you lift heavy weights. Do not waste time with bicep curls. Raised when fat and heavy, you will have more weapons.

5. You have a full body workout. Do not do this magazine muscle exercises. Body part splits with isolation exercises is fine once you build the foundation. 300 Once books obesity.

There can be any religion or who do not have much to do squats? Takes 3 sessions a week for about 1 hour and includes all compound exercises such as squats, deadlifts, bench press, and iron lines and overhead press, pull-ups, dips, and so on.

6 get recovery. Training professional athletes 5-6 times a week. But they did not start that way. They added that the training that was stronger and larger. If you overeat in training to get to the routine of their lives. As a beginner you need more recovery.

The rest. Muscles grow when you rest, not when you train. Start with 3 exercises the entire body within a week and focus on intensity, not gym time.
Sleep. Growth hormone releases when you sleep and muscle building. Aims to 8 hours of sleep. Nap after a workout your life if you let them.
Drinking water. Avoid dehydration, and help in muscle recovery. Drink 2 cups water with each meal and drink water during exercise.
Eating. "Eat like sleeping horse. Like a child. Paid like weeds." Your training is useless if you do not eat enough calories for recovery.

7. Eat the university. Will get a reduction in body fat, so the muscles you've built show better. Content of vitamins and minerals help the recovery. Stop eating foods of the box. Eating whole foods 90% of the time.

Proteins. Meat, poultry, fish, eggs, milk, ...
Carbohydrates. Brown rice, oats, whole wheat pasta, quinoa, ...
Vegetables. Spinach, broccoli, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots and ...
Fruit. Bananas, oranges, apples, pineapple, and peer ...
Fat. Olive oil and fish oil and real butter, nuts and flax seed ...

8. Eat more. Training is more important than a plan to build muscle. But you have to give your body the nutrition it needs for optimal recovery. I had most of the players do not eat enough food to build more muscle.

Eat breakfast. Get calories from the first hour. Usually read how to build a bed and breakfast. Try these recipes breakfast 7.
Eat last workout. Get protein and carbohydrates to help recover muscle engine post and renew your energy.
Eat every 3 hours. 6 meals / day. Give your muscles a certain amount of protein, repair and speed up muscle recovery and boosts your metabolism.
Eat a kilo X BW 18kcal. Tracking daily calories using FitDay. You must have at least weight in X 18kcal pounds to maintain weight.

9. Overweight. Will not be considered in the muscles and weighing 140 pounds to 6. "Whatever training you do. Audit Guide on how to gain weight for men thin, and more here
Important role.

Eating calorie dense. 100g raw spinach is 25kcals. But Rice crude 380kcals 100G. Eat pasta, oats, olive oil, nuts and others.
Become stronger. Increase squat for a period of not less than 300 pounds. And there is a direct correlation with the size of the gains in muscle strength. You must get stronger to build muscle.
Whole milk. If you do not want to gain some fat, drink 1 gallon of whole milk a day over your food intake. Can get 25 pounds in 1 month if you combine that with three weekly sessions squat.

10. Get proteins. Proteins have a greater impact heat. Need 1G protein per kilogram of body weight per day to build and maintain muscle mass. This 160G of protein a day if you weigh 160lbs/72kg. Eat protein at every meal complete.

Red meat. Ground round, steaks, deer, oxen and ...
Poultry. Chicken breasts, whole chicken, turkey, duck, ...
Fish. Tuna, salmon, sardines, mackerel, ...
Eggs. Eat the yolk, it is full of vitamins.
Dairy. Yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, milk, yogurt, ...

If you weigh 160 €: 1 can of light tuna to Walgda and quark 300G, 300G meat and milk at dinner 500ml during the day gets you protein 160G.

Remain. Get stronger, and track the progress so you can continue to build muscle you want. You will see the biggest change in the structure of the body after following this method for a period of 2 months